Herein begins the epic
saga of a young farmer that is more than he seems, on his way to
becoming an altruistic itinerant wizard - for whom Fate has a great
many further plans. From the sheltering familiarity of his quiet rustic
hometown, Dogalas decides to embark upon a Journey of his own making,
to see the world and help those in it. Initially must come his semizard
training, as an apprentice of the wizard outside Kharathad, as many
local lads before him had been; though at first it seems to be long and
tedious, it is a necessary step on the road to contacting the power
within. He quickly learns that working magic is not an easy task, and
much of the time, one must just get by on the virtue of the heart.
Upon graduation, he roams
where the Journey takes him, through foreign lands magical and
desolate, gaining friends and encountering perils - understanding more
about himself, his ever-developing abilities, and the world he lives
in, while travelling the path of discovery.
As he gets caught up in local crises,
stumbles upon mythical creatures, and becomes involved in plots greater
than he ever would have suspected, it becomes clear the importance of
duty, honesty, and above all, listening to the inner voice of your
The Wizard of Kharathad
takes a novel approach to many subjects, emphasizing realistic detail,
including even the long stretches of uneventful time that actual life
holds, so as to communicate the experiences personally, and advocating
harmony over havoc. It shows that a story can be interesting without
utilizing implausibly excessive conflict or insincere
overdramatization, instead achieving the intended effect with the
simple art of contrast. It is a mild and pleasantly therapeutic
tale, though not without its own high points, leaving the reader
satisfied at the end rather than more unsettled and anxious than
before. By staying for the most part
within the protagonist's consciousness, and keeping the progression of
events chronological and linearly oblivious right up to the moment
where they change, you have no idea what's coming next!
"If you like epic fantasy in the tradition of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings,
then do I have a book and writer for you."
- Ray
Simmons (see full review)
"T.W.O.K. is particularly exceptional in that it doesn't grip you by the throat - instead, it takes you by the hand."
The Wizard of Kharathad
Under the designation header '
Tales of Dogalas'
1 of the T.W.O.K. Series
Prequelled by
The Chronicles of Kharathad - RootsDate
of release: Saturday, January 24, 2015
Sequelled by
It's A Wizard's World (etc.)
1\2" x 8
1\2" trade paperback
774 pages (numbered pages end on 757)
1\2 chapters
350,000 words (2,000,000 characters)
approx.Rated 5 stars by
Readers' Favorite review site